It was not until Christine of Love the Design - who is moving next door to me removed her drop ceiling and our landlord had said that there was initially tin tiles under it.
Christines ceiling was drywalled over top - but I had taken a quick peek under my tiles and saw this mustard coloured ceiling. I could not live with myself - knowing that above me and under the pathetic tiles was this awesome ceiling waiting to be exposed. So I hired our contractor and lo and behold the reveal ( oddly enough I sat at my desk for almost 2 weeks pondering whether or not to do it) who could resist?
The detail of it is amazing - who would have thought that back in September I would move into my dream space and then have my dream ceiling. It is so beautiful. I come in now everday still in awe - a little dwarfed feeling as my ceiling is now 14ft high - but it is awesome...
My next steps are going to plaster the wall where the colour meets to look like an old french storefront - with aged walls - the back corner of the store already has it so I will copy the version to give the feel.
so sources for doing this on your own....there are lots of replica ceiling tile places - authentic and old ceiling tiles can be purchased at 12 x 12 vintage tiles are a very inexpensive 6.00 each.
Post and Beam in the Junction carry antique pieces as does the Salvage Shop on Kingston Road.
New tiles are available online - Home Depot, Rona, Lowes etc all carry them. They are easy to apply and come in either tin or plastic and can be painted any colour.